
Regarding the status of a transfer I made around 2 weeks ago

  • 17 July 2023
  • 2 reacties
  • 86 Bekeken


My warmest greetings to you

Last time, I sent some money from my bank account to my sister's bank account because I had to close my account before I leave Belgium. I sent the money on June 27 but it hasn't arrived yet. Could it be possible for me to know the status of my transfer? 

Thank you


Beste antwoord van Edom Sileshi 18 July 2023, 10:07

Bekijk origineel

2 reacties

Reputatie 5

Hello, @Edom Sileshi,

Thank you for your message.

You did a transfer from your bank account with Hello bank! on June 27th to the bank account of your sister. If the money has not arrived yet on her bank account it is best that you contact our helpdesk.

If you still can login with our app on a mobile device, you can start a secured call by clicking on “communication.” If you don’t have the app you can call the following number: 02 433 41 45 and give your client number and Easy Banking Phone Code to secure the line.

It is important that if you want information from a distance that you always contact trough a secured line. 


Kind regards,


Dear @LarsD

My warmest greetings to you

Oh, all right, I will do that. Okay, I understand, thank you very much.


