
Kan tussenkomst van bank resulteren in terugbetaling van verloren fondsen van cryptocurrency fraud?

  • 16 August 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 267 Bekeken


Twee maanden na het indienen van een proces verbaal bij de politie en het doorgeven van deze info aan de bank, werd ik gecontacteerd door de Europese tak van de “US securities and Exchange Commission (, met name , door mevrouw en de heer :

This is Mia Nowak from PayBack global security department which works with the collaboration of the Blockchain system.


 PayBack is a Consulting Incorporation is the international body that brings together the world's securities regulators and is recognized as the global standard setter for the securities sector. PayBack develops, implements, and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for securities regulation. It works intensively with the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on the global regulatory reform agenda.


We identify your specific kind of scam and our team of experts, well versed in cryptocurrency fraud recovery walk you through the what and how of the recovery process.

Our blockchain and cybersecurity specialists devise a tailor-made solution to recover your money and give you a comprehensive overview of the same.

We apply the solution with your consent and enable you to be a part of the entire process, as we recover your lost money, with guidelines and recommendations that can help you invest better in the future.

When it comes to the financial ombudsman, many clients are not fully aware or informed of the functions of this entity. They are also unaware of their rights when dealing with said institutions. We help the client in knowing his rights and how to make sure they are properly acted upon when dealing with financial institutions such as these. We assist the client in the preparation and processing of the package of documents with the ombudsman depending on which organization you are entering into a dispute with, in what jurisdiction, type of complaint, and what stages of settlement you have already gone through.


 With that information, we want to inform you that under your name there is a transaction made to the potential scam company. We have to make sure that we will be able legally to release that money back to the rightful owner which is you.  You can read everything in detail and reply to me back when will be the most convenient time for you to proceed with the verification process.


You can visit and navigate websites by just clicking on the icons below :

Mia Nowak en Gabriel Campbell delen me mee dat hun organisatie een officiëel verzoek gekregen heeft van politie of bank om het via scammers op blockchain  verloren geld te traceren en terug te betalen. Hij omschrijft het proces als volgt: “we install decentralized wallet on your computer or mobile phone. We send you back your money in USDT, via Metamask. Then we figure out wich exchange (e.g. Binance) will receive the USDT from us from your wallet. Once the exchange is working with your bank we send money to your exchange to your bank.”

De gegevens van Gabriel Campbel zijn terug te vinden op de website van “” en op  “ Ik zou graag te weten komen of zijn organisatie betrouwbaar is en of wat ze beweren realistisch is en gekend door de bank? Er moet immers 10% van het terug te betalen bedrag overgemaakt worden naar Metamask voordat de transactie kan doorgaan. 



Beste antwoord van LarsD 16 August 2022, 11:00

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1 reactie

Reputatie 4

Hallo @Marc De Strooper,

Wij raden af om persoonlijke informatie aan hen door te geven. Dit alles lijkt “te mooi om waar te zijn.” En dat is meestal de regel om te onderscheiden of het gaat om een legitieme organisatie of een oplichter.

Heb je al reeds de politie op de hoogte gebracht van dit bericht?
